Bura Plavac mali Sivi

The Bura Plavac mali sivi is a gray wine made in our winery exclusively from Plavac mali sivi grapes, which comes from our vineyard in Potomje, on the Peljesac peninsula, and it is the first sustainable vineyard of this kind of grapes (Plavac mali sivi) in Croatia.

The grapes Plavac mali sivi are the result of spontaneous mutations of the standard genotype Plavac mali grapes. The bunches of grapes are gray and give a full-bodied wine with pronounced fruity aromas.

Grey wine

Variety of grapes: Plavac mali sivi
Region: ZOI (PDO – Protected Designation of Origin)” Center and south of Dalmatia” Pelješac Peninsula
Aging: 6 months in wooden barrels and 12 months in bottle

Tasting note

The wine is pure, crystal clear, amber in color, and has a viscosity of medium intensity.

On the nose: clean, very intense, fine quality, pronounced fruitiness, floral aromas, accentuated minerality. Fruits – ripe apricots, larvae, ripe apples, yellow plums, carob, Floral – rose, yellow flowers, Mediterranean plants Long-lasting scent.

In the mouth: dry, warm and soft. Medium freshness with elevated alcohol. Lots of fruity character, but more ripe fruit. Apricots, dried fruits, figs, carob, lots of Mediterranean herbs, dried yellow flowers. Long-lasting taste, fine quality. The wine is harmonious, mature, full-bodied. It is recommended to serve from a larger glass (wider) at temp. from 14-16° C. Given its characteristics, serve it with slightly more aromatic cheeses, with white fish from the oven. Mostly medium structure dishes. The wine should be stored for a maximum of two more years. It’s pretty well balanced. 89/100

Opis vina

Vino je čisto, kristalno bistro, jantarne boje, viskoznost je srednjeg intenziteta.

Na nosu: čisto, vrlo intenzivno, fine kakvoće, izražena voćnost, florane arome, naglašena mineralnost.

Voće- zrele marelice, čičinke, zrele jabuke, žute šljive, rogač, Floralno – ruža, žuto cvijeće, mediteransko bilje Dugotrajnog mirisa.

U ustima: suho, toplo i mekano. Srednje svježine sa povišenim alkoholom. Puno voćnog karaktera, ali zrelije voće. Marelice, sušeno voće, smokve, rogač, puno mediteranskog bilja, sušenog žutog cvijeća. Dugotrajnog okusa, fine kakvoće. Vino je harmonično, zrelo, punog tijela. Preporučuje se poslužiti iz veće čaše (šire) na temp. Od 14-16° C. S obzirom na svoje karakteristike poslužiti ga uz malo aromatičnije sireve, sa bijelom ribom iz peći. Uglavnom srednje strukture jela. Vino bi trebalo čuvati maximum još dvije godine. Dosta je dobro izbalansirano.  89/100